I hope everyone’s been doing well and is remaining safe and healthy during these difficult times. It’s been a busy summer for us at 6 Wheels, and I’ve been grateful that I’ve been able to work remotely.
I’ve been doing my off-season lobbying work and recently met with 23 legislators, and we discussed budget concerns regarding people with disabilities and employment. As we look forward to the 2021 session, we know that it might look a bit different, but we still have the same goal of advocating for people with disabilities.
I’m also continuing to serve as an adult ally for the Youth As Self-Advocates (YASA). We meet several times a week with youth board members and talk about various issues, including how the pandemic is affecting youth with disabilities.
In other news, I’ve signed on to be an affiliate partner with User1st, an organization that focuses on improving internet accessibility.
I’ve also been working with a fellow disability consultant, Rachel Kaplan, who runs an organization called Kintsugi Consulting. We’re working to develop an 18-module disability employment training course that will be marketed to businesses. The modules will be focused around interviewing, corporate culture, ADA in the workplace, etc., with 12 mandatory modules and an additional 6 optional modules. Keep a look out for more information as we continue to work on the course!
Additionally, I’ve been working on the idea of moving public speaking content to virtual content and have been spending some time working on writing a book. I’ll make sure to share more information with you all as I continue to work on both processes!
Again, I hope everyone is doing well and is staying healthy and safe! As always, I appreciate everyone’s support.
PHOTO: This is a picture of some sand with the word summer written in it. In the upper right-hand corner, there is a purple star fish and in the lower left-hand corner there is a green sand bucket. The water is also coming in on the sand.