This week we were asked to present our Disability Sensitivity Training to Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. (HOME). This organization strives to provide equal access to housing for all people. They reached out to us to see if we could help them better understand disability and how to work with their clients that live within this community. Our goal was to educate them on the basics of disability, types of disabilities, and how to consider common sense solutions to disability problems. The training was well attended by their entire staff and everyone participated fully with a great question and answer session following our presentation. The goal of 6 Wheels Consulting is to work with businesses like HOME who want to better incorporate individuals with disabilities into our communities. The conversation has even sparked in us a new desire to develop some resources around housing and common sense accessibility. We want to thank everyone associated with HOME for the opportunity to come and present on this important way of thinking about disability and hope that this is the beginning of a very fruitful partnership for both organizations. If you would like to learn more about HOME please visit them at their website HERE and connect with them via social media. Please stay tuned for more exciting announcements from 6 Wheels Consulting and stay connected on our social media.
PHOTO: Housing Opportunities Made Equal of Virginia, Inc. (HOME) Logo
PHOTO: Matthew smiling while sitting in front of a screen with his sensitivity training projected on to it prior to a making this presentation.