6 Wheels 2022 Wrap-Up!
It’s been an amazing year at 6 Wheels, and I wanted to share some of the highlights with everyone!
2022 was my best revenue year to date, which means I’ve gotten to do a lot of consulting, lobbying, and speaking! I’m so thankful to have been able to work with so many amazing people and to see how much progress we’ve made in terms of growing the business!
I did several architectural projects this year. Earlier in the year, I went to Dollywood Theme Parks in Tennessee and assessed the parking and the park itself to see how it could be made more accessible and inclusive. I also did a facility assessment for EAB, where I reviewed two office spaces (one in Washington, D.C., one in Richmond) to make those spaces more inclusive for people with disabilities.
Of course, I’ve also continued to do my architect work with Baskervill as we build out the plan for the new Supreme Court building and two recreation centers in different parts of Richmond. I also worked with PlanRVA as they changed the location of their headquarters and worked with Dupont Elementary School to create more accessible playground equipment for their students with disabilities.
In 2022, I had some incredible speaking opportunities as well. I was also able to do some programming in North Dakota again with the North Dakota Developmental Disabilities Counsel, which was a great experience. In July, I was a panelist for a virtual ADA town hall with the Partnership for People with Disabilities at VCU. We discussed how the ADA has changed over the past 30 years and how it could further change to help people with disabilities.
At the end of August, I attended the No Barriers Summit once again and provided consultation on their space, which was a great experience!
October, which was Disability Employment Awareness Month, was one of my most productive months to date! I got to speak again to the African American Credit Union Diversity and Inclusion Cohort, Coastal Credit Union; I also returned to Anthem and did another event with them regarding disability employment. Additionally, I had an event with Virginia Housing, where I talked about inclusivity and accessibility. In October, I also talked to New Editions Consulting Incorporated and did a program for them. I also attended the National Family Voices Conference in Washington, D.C., where I represented Youth as Self-Advocates on October 18th-20th.
I’ve gotten to do some webinars with the National Disability Institute talking about entrepreneurship and employment for people with disabilities. I also was able to virtually do a program overseas this year, which was a first!
I continue to do awesome work with my youth group as we develop a new strategic plan with them. I was able to see some great growth within the youth in that group.
We had a really successful legislative session in 2022, where were able to get a few pieces of legislation passed through the Virginia General Assembly.
Throughout the year, I’ve continued to work on some ongoing projects, including my book and podcast. We’ve also made some progress on the book and put out some new podcast episodes, which you should definitely check out if you haven’t already!
I’ve been able to connect with wonderful new partners in the past year. I’m so grateful to meet so many great people with whom I have had the opportunity to do some incredible projects!
We already have some things scheduled for 2023 with more in the pipeline, and we look forward to continuing to grow and putting some structures into place to guarantee our continued long-term success.
Thank you for all your support! I’m very excited about what 2023 has to offer. Make sure to follow 6 Wheels on social media to keep up with our latest projects!
PHOT0: White background photo that reads thank you and black lettering with some green leaves and twigs off to the right.